Recycle & save on your new skin care products at Eden

Recycle & save on your new skin care products at Eden

Here at Eden we love our clients and our planet so we thought we’d do our bit to help… introducing our new skin care product recycling discount.

It’s really simple – for each used and empty skin care product bottle or container that you bring in to recycle with us, you’ll receive £1 off the purchase of a new premium skin care product from Eden. So, if you recycle 3 empty containers you’ll receive £3 off 3 new skin care products purchased with us.

Why? There are 3 simple (but great) reasons why we love this so much…

  • Environment: skin care and cosmetic product bottles usually get overlooked for recycling – do your bit to help the environment.
  • Trust: know you are purchasing genuine quality skin care products from Eden – don’t take a chance on low quality, out of date or possible replica products online.
  • Save: reduce how much you spend on your skin care products and know you’re buying the best.

Love this? Just pop into your nearest Eden Skin Clinic today with a recycled container and speak to one of our skin care experts about the best product for your skin.


*You only receive £1 off each new individual product purchased from Eden Skin Clinic (£1 for each empty container recycled). Used product containers can be from any face or body skin care product and can be from any retailer/brand (excludes perfume, aerosols, deodorant, medical, toothpaste and hair product containers). All containers must be fully labelled but empty and clean with product disposed of and cannot have contained any hazardous chemicals/materials. Available to new and existing clients of Eden Skin Clinic. In the event of a newly purchased product being returned or exchanged, the refunded amount or exchanged value will be equal to the discounted purchased product price. Eden reserve the right to not accept any product they feel does not comply with the terms of this offer and can withdraw this offer at anytime.


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