What to expect from a non-surgical Venus Freeze facelift treatment

What to expect from a non-surgical Venus Freeze facelift treatment

“If you want to age gracefully, yet are understandably concerned about the risks associated with cosmetic surgery, then the non-invasive Venus Freeze treatment is a painless effective alternative,” explains anti-ageing specialist Lorraine Scrivener founder of London’s Eden Skin Clinics.

Known as “the facial without the knife,” this non-surgical facelift has taken the US by storm and is a firm favourite with Cara Delevingne, Lisa Snowdon and Yasmin Le Bon.

Venus Freeze’s revolutionary technology combines Multi-Polar Radio Frequency and Pulsed Magnetic Fields to deliver safe anti-ageing skin treatments which require no downtime.

“This is the best facial I’ve had this year and possibly ever. Get bright and younger looking skin with this super-effective facial treatment,”

– The London Evening Standard, TV presenter and journalist Louise Scodie.

What results can you expect from the Venus Freeze?

Venus Freeze is a non-surgical ‘face-lift’ which smoothes fine lines and wrinkles, and tightens skin. Its powerful cell stimulation promotes an instant glow, making the skin look plump and healthy. This instant effect is a winner with super-model Cara Delevingne who recently revealed she prepares for the runway season with a course of Venus Freeze treatments.

How does this non-surgical cosmetic skin care procedure work?

It uses both radio frequency and pulsed magnetic fields, and is currently the only skin care technology offering this effective scientific combination.

“Radio frequency is safe and reliable,” says Lorraine. “I find some clients are nervous at first, worrying that the treatment will be painful or at least uncomfortable. If you’ve experienced radio frequency treatment in the past you may have found it too hot and something to be endured.

“However, the innovative technology behind Venus Freeze ensures a relaxing treatment with no associated after-effects such as redness or skin irritation. Ideal for those on-the-go clients as it can be squeezed into your lunch break.”

Venus Freeze, which is FDA approved, combines radio frequency with pulsed magnetic fields to stimulate the collagen within the dermis and subcutaneous fat. Pulsed Magnetic Fields technology has been used in traditional medicine for decades.

Lorraine explains, “Magnetic pulses are tiny electrical signals that stimulate fibroblasts and cellular repair. Fibroblasts produce collagen and elastins. As we age this process slows down. By stimulating fibroblasts we speed up this skin rejuvenation activity.”

Read what top beauty and fashion blogger Laetitia Wajnapel, MademoiselleRobot.com, thought about her Venus Freeze facial during a recent visit to our Kensington clinic.

What does a Venus Freeze treatment feel like?

After a thorough consultation, the skin is gently cleansed and a glycerin gel applied to allow the hand piece to effortlessly glide over the skin. You’ll experience a gentle warm sensation on the skin which many clients find very relaxing.

Preventative skin care using Venus Freeze

“Don’t wait until your skin is starting to show the signs of ageing,” says Lorraine. “I find Venus Freeze works beautifully as a preventative treatment too, keeping the cells stimulated and preventing fine lines and wrinkles appearing.”

Who can use Venus Freeze?

It’s suitable for everyone regardless of skin type or age.

Venus Freeze for body contouring and cellulite reduction

The science behind Venus Freeze also makes it ideal for reducing cellulite, circumference and body contouring. It works by reducing the size of the fat cell, resulting in an improvement of skin tone and texture, whilst creating a more defined silhouette.

Lorraine recommends between 6-10 weekly sessions for the body, followed by maintenance sessions every couple of months. Immediately following your Venus Freeze body treatment it’s important to exercise and drink plenty of water to speed up results and flush out toxins.

As with any non-surgical body treatment Venus Freeze should not be seen as a quick fix treatment and should form part of a healthy balanced life style. We discuss your diet and lifestyle with you during your course of Venus Freeze treatments and help you make those small changes that not only boost your wellbeing, but also improve the appearance of cellulite.

We recommend a course of 6-8 weekly treatments on the face and neck, followed by maintenance sessions every 2-3 months.

To book a consultation with one of our experienced Venus Freeze skincare specialists please call our Kensington Eden Skin Clinic on 020 7584 0115.


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